
2022. 11. 14

Gaeun Park,

Outstanding Research Award

The KIST & AKN Predoctoral Research Award

2022. 11. 13

Gaeun Park,

Selected as the 2022 MCCS Scholars,

Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society (MCCS)

2021. 5. 20

Prof. 김상정,

장진학술상 (Joseph Jin Chang Research Award),

2021 KSBNS (한국뇌신경과학회)

2019. 09. 21 - 2019. 09. 25

Prof. 이용석,

싸이텍 젊은과학자상 (Scitech Korea Young Scientist Award),

The 10th IBRO world Congress of Neuroscience (한국뇌신경과학회)

2019. 02. 16

류현희 선생님,

Excellent poster presentation award,

The 11th COSMOS (분당서울대학교병원 정신건강의학과 주관)

2019. 01. 25 - 2019. 01. 26

김승하 선생님,

Best oral presentation award,

The 9th Korea Pain Research Consortium (KPRC),

2018. 10. 25 - 2018. 10. 27

장동철 선생님,

Excellent oral presentation award,

Presentation Awards,

The 70th Annual Meeting of the Korean Physiological Society (From Nature To Future)

2018. 09. 25 - 2018. 09. 28

심현근 선생님,

Excellent poster presentation award,

Cold Spring Harbor Asia Meeting (Topic: Latest Advances in Development & Function of Neuroanl Circuits)

2018. 08. 30 - 2018. 08. 31

박명성 선생님

Excellent poster presentation award,

2018 KSBNS (Knowing Brain Healing Brain)

2018. 02. 02

김유림 & 정지훈 선생님,


2018 Workshop (경희대학교 치과대학, 한의과대학 주관),

Korea Pain Research Consortium (KPRC)

Lab memory

2022. 11. 25 - 2022. 11. 26

Lab worksop

서울대학교 의과대학 생리학교실 신경생리학 실험실

Neurophysiology lab, Department of Physiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine

서울대학교 연건캠퍼스 연구관 730호, Research Building 729~730, (02)740-8236~7

서울대학교 연건캠퍼스 의과학관 101호, Biomedical Building 101, (02)3668-7634